Coppeen Archaeological Historical and Cultural Society
C.A.H.C.S (Coppeen Archaeological Historical and Cultural Society) is a group of like-minded people whose aim is, to research, restore & preserve all aspects of our archaeological, historical & cultural heritage, & foster an appreciation of same, near & far. The inaugural meeting of C.A.H.C.S. was held in Barrett’s bar Coppeen on February 14th 2004. On Monday March 1st, the first meeting was held with the ratification of the new society.
Coppeen Archaeological Historical & Cultural Society at the A.G.M. 2005
A little about our voluntary group
On our Heritage Trail
Our area is very rich in archaeological terms, & we think these sites should be highlighted, preserved & in some cases restored, with appropriate signage provided. We have numerous examples of ringforts, stone circles, megalithic tombs, galáins, fulacht fiadh, souterrains, anomalous stone groups, stone rows, stone pairs, rock art, boulder burials, early ecclesiastical remains, fonts & burial grounds.
Of particular note are: Kinneigh Round Tower, & Cahirvagliair Ringfort. Also, we are located roughly half-way between the highly important historic sites of the Kilmichael Ambush, & Beal na mBlá, where Michael Collins died.
Join Us
We usually hold our meetings on the first Wednesday of each month in the meeting room at An Caipín (Barretts) Bar in Coppeen village (new members always welcome!). We regularly have lecturers to speak on various topics of interest and occasionally we take field trips to local sites of interest.
C.A.H.C.S. is a VOLUNTARY non-profit group.